above average
6,910 Miles
Miles below average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 6910
Color: Other
Body Style: Pickup
Transmission: Direct Drive
Engine Type: electric
Drive Train: AWD
Fuel: Hybrid
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Get EPICVIN vehicle history report

To be more confident in your used car purchase and get more information about the auto, including its accident history, insurance records, odometer readings history and other important details, we recommend you get a vehicle history report for the car prior to buying it.

Option & Equipment

Oversized Premium Wheels 20+
Hard Tonneau Cover


At Carvana, we go miles beyond the extra mile. That's why we provide you with a convenient, fast, and hassle-free car buying experience that puts you in the driver's seat. Plus, choose to get your car delivered as soon as the next day or pick it up from one of our state-of-the-art Car Vending Machines. All of our vehicles are inspected and reconditioned by technicians to meet quality standards and come equipped with a 7-Day Money Back Guarantee. Plus, no hassle and no bogus fees. Most importantly, we've delivered 5-star smiles to over 140,000 customers who have bought or sold with us and always provide exceptional customer service!

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