
Used 2025 Hyundai Palisade for sale in Bentonville

VIN: KM8R24GE9SU902440

Bentonville, AR 1,053 km away

Cars under $50,000

Accident Free No reported accidents

Vehicle Details

Make Hyundai
Model Palisade
Year 2025
Trim SEL
Series Wagon Body Style
Doors 5
Body Class Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)

What was with this car history VIN KM8R24GE9SU902440?

Seller description

Price may not include Dealer Added Accessories. Prices do not include additional fees and costs of closing, including government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation fees, any emissions testing fees or other fees. All prices, specifications and availability subject to change without notice. Contact dealer for most current information. Crain Hyundai of Bentonville retains all rebates. Price includes: $1250 - Hyundai HMF Dealer Choice : $1250 discount and 5.99% APR for 24 months. $44.32 per $1000 financed. Available to well qualified buyers who finance through Hyundai Motor Finance. H704. Exp. 03/31/2025 Crain Hyundai is a family-owned dealership. Our family is on-site every day, and we take pride in our products and the work we do. We know that we wouldn't be successful without putting the customer first. That's why we have developed the Crain Commitment. Check out the benefits you get for shopping at Crain dealerships: 100 year/100,000 mile warranty on every new and used vehicle we sell A 100 hour love-it-or-leave-it exchange policy. Any dealer addition addendum is not included in price.

Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville

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654 miles away from you!

Location: 3000 SE MOBERLY LN, Bentonville, AR 72712

Phone: (479) 405-4146

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