
Used 2024 Ford F-150 for sale in Plainfield


2 km

Plainfield, IN 280 km away

Cars under $75,000

Accident Free No reported accidents

Vehicle Details

2 km
2.7L V-6 Gas V
Make Ford
Model F-150
Year 2024
Trim STX
Series STX
Engine Cylinders 6
Body Class Pickup

What was with this car history VIN 1FTEW2LP0RKD97929?

Seller description

2024 Ford F-150 STX 2.7L V6 EcoBoost 4WD 4WD. Indy's #1 Ford dealer for over 25 years running. We have built a reputation for the place to buy new and used vehicles. If we don't have what you're looking for we can find it. Indy's #1 Ford dealer for over 25 years running. We have built a reputation as the best place to buy new and used vehicles. If we don't have what you're looking for we can find it. You consent to receive autodialed, pre-recorded and artificial voice telemarketing and sales calls, text messages and/or emails from or on behalf of Andy Mohr at the phone number and/or email provided in this application, including cell phone numbers. You understand that this consent is not a condition of purchase of a vehicle or any services from Andy Mohr. Price includes: $1000 - Truck Month Retail Bonus Cash. Exp. 03/31/2025 $2000 - Retail Customer Cash. Exp. 03/31/2025 $500 - Retail Bonus Cash. Exp. 03/31/2025 $2500- For a limited time Andy Mohr Ford is awarding customers a minimum of $2500 for any trade in toward purchase. trade must drive - no tow ins, have a clean title and normal wear and tear -See dealer for details.

Andy Mohr Ford

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

Only 174 miles away from you!

Location: 2713 E Main St, Plainfield, IN 46168

Phone: (317) 561-5587

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