
$32,498 85,474 km

Used 2022 Acura TLX for sale in Watertown

VIN: 19UUB6F68NA000583

85,474 km

Watertown, CT 856 km away

Cars under $40,000

Accident Free No reported accidents

Vehicle Details

85,474 km
2.0L I4 16V GDI DOHC Turbo
Make Acura
Model TLX
Year 2022
Doors 4
Transmission Speeds 10
Engine Cylinders 4
Body Class Sedan/Saloon

What was with this car history VIN 19UUB6F68NA000583?

Seller description

2022 Acura TLX Advance 1 OWNER CLEAN CARFAX !, NAVIGATION !, AWD, SUNROOF / MOONROOF !, BACKUP CAMERA !, BLUETOOTH, Lane Keeping Assist. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. We use various computer software sources to decode the vehicle identification number of our displayed vehicles. This software helps us list the equipment of the vehicles we have online for sale. Although usually pretty accurate, there are sometimes errors. So please look over the equipment very carefully when you inspect our vehicles. We care very much about our customers and donat want to have any misunderstandings! Also our vehicles are priced using equally sophisticated software and rely on many factors to help us place our vehicles with our best price first. Specific equipment can be a factor, but not the only factor of pricing. All vehicle specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. Prices and payments (including the amount down payment) do not include tax, titles, tags, documentation charges ($599), emissions testing charges, or other fees required by law or lending organizations.

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