
$13,998 28,308 km

Used 2020 Chevrolet Bolt EV for sale in Pelham

VIN: 1G1FY6S04L4109649

28,308 km

Pelham, AL 821 km away

Cars under $20,000

Accident Free No reported accidents

Vehicle Details

28,308 km
L - Electric
Make Chevrolet
Model Bolt EV
Year 2020
Trim LT W/DC Fast Charging
Series LT W/DC Fast Charging
Doors 4
Transmission Speeds 1
Body Class Hatchback/Liftback/Notchback

What was with this car history VIN 1G1FY6S04L4109649?

Seller description

If you wish to have vehicle shipped to you, that is a separate charge determined by distance. Please use the listed price as the most up to date price. This vehicle has a notation on the Carfax that it was reacquired by the manufacturer. Simply put, the customer had a complaint about the vehicle and asked the manufacturer to take the car back. As a result, the trade value or selling price you will get for this vehicle is likely to be lower than for a similar vehicle that was not reacquired. This vehicle is eligible for a possible $4,000 EV federal tax credit, see picture for details. This vehicle comes with an additional 12-month or 12,000-mile GM warranty. 80% Battery Limiter - Software will continually monitor the battery to detect any potential anomalies and, if none are detected after approximately 6,200 miles (10,000 km) of use, the battery will automatically return to 100% state of charge without a return trip to the dealer. Elegantly expressive, this 2020 Chevrolet Bolt EV is a meticulous collaboration between pleasantness and polish. With a Electric engine powering this Automatic transmission, it is a vastly understated expression of your dominion over the open highway. It comes equipped with these options: WHEELS, 17 (43.2 CM) PAINTED ALUMINUM (STD), TIRES, P215/50R17 ALL-SEASON BLACKWALL, MICHELIN SELFSEAL PUNCTURE-SEALING (STD), SEATS, FRONT BUCKET (STD), MOSAIC BLACK METALLIC, LT PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP includes standard equipment, LICENSE PLATE BRACKET, FRONT MOUNTING, ENGINE, NONE (STD), ELECTRIC DRIVE UNIT, (200 HP [150 KW] 266 LB-FT OF TORQUE [360 N-M]) (STD), DC FAST CHARGING, and DARK GALVANIZED/SKY COOL GRAY, DELUXE CLOTH SEAT TRIM . It was previously reacquired by the manufacturer for a non-conformity to the warranty (Electrical Start/Charge-Battery/cables-Recall). All necessary repairs were completed. The Accessories include 1 Master Key and Owner's Manual.

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