
$13,985 227,557 km

Used 2015 Toyota Prius Plug-in for sale in Irvine

VIN: JTDKN3DP3F3075334

227,557 km

Irvine, CA 3,141 km away

Cars under $20,000

Accident Free No reported accidents

Vehicle Details

227,557 km
134 hp 1.8L I4 Hybrid
Make Toyota
Model Prius
Year 2015
Trim ZVW35L
Series ZVW35L
Engine Cylinders 4
Body Class Hatchback/Liftback/Notchback

What was with this car history VIN JTDKN3DP3F3075334?

Seller description

[!@@ NL @@!]- Navigation System[!@@ NL @@!]- Carpet Floor Mats & Carpet Cargo Mat[!@@ NL @@!]- Rear Bumper Applique[!@@ NL @@!]- Keyless Start[!@@ NL @@!]- Rear Spoiler[!@@ NL @@!]- Heads-Up Display[!@@ NL @@!]- 50 State Emissions[!@@ NL @@!]- Dark Gray; Synthetic Leather Softex-Trimmed Seat Material[!@@ NL @@!]- Sea Glass Pearl[!@@ NL @@!][!@@ NL @@!]This vehicle includes a Money-Back Guarantee* and passed our precise inspection process. Best of all the price you see is the price you pay. No haggling. No back and forth. No pressure. And this price is so good it is guaranteed. *Money-Back Guarantee is valid for 5 days or 250 miles, whichever comes first. Subject to certain terms and conditions. See store for details. Some restrictions apply. [!@@ NL @@!][!@@ NL @@!]2015ToyotaPrius Plug-In There is no reason why you shouldn't buy this Toyota Prius Plug-In . It is incomparable for the price and quality. The quintessential Toyota -- This Toyota Prius Plug-In speaks volumes about its owner, about uncompromising individuality, a passion for driving and standards far above the ordinary. There are many vehicles on the market but if you are looking for a vehicle that will perform as good as it looks then this Toyota Prius Plug-In is the one! More information about the 2015 Toyota Prius Plug-In: The Prius has set the standard for hybrid powertrains in the U.S. since it was introduced. The current model is the most efficient, most reliable Prius yet and has proven to be an amazing bargain. With several Prius variations from which to choose, there's a Prius for every buyer. Anyone who thought the original Prius was too small should look for the Prius v. Customers looking to maximize their fuel economy would be advised to consider the Prius Plug-in. Both feature Toyota's reliable, efficient hybrid technology at a reasonable price. The Prius c is an even more cost-conscious hybrid for those looking to maximize fuel economy. Interesting features of this model are more models provide cargo and passenger flexibility, advanced hybrid powertrain, and Leading fuel economy[!@@ NL @@!][!@@ NL @@!][!@@Additional Info@@!]Navigation System,Keyless Start,Rear Spoiler,Heads-Up Display,Carpet Floor Mats & Carpet Cargo Mat (Ppo),Rear Bumper Applique (Ppo),Dark Gray, Synthetic Leather Softex-Trimmed Seat Material,Sea Glass Pearl,50 State Emissions

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