
$10,998 170,674 km

Used 2015 Kia Soul for sale in Buena Park

VIN: KNDJP3A54F7190834

170,674 km

Buena Park, CA 3,153 km away

Cars under $20,000

Accident Free No reported accidents

Vehicle Details

170,674 km
Make Kia
Model Soul
Year 2015
Trim GLS(Middle grade)
Series GLS(Middle grade)
Doors 4
Body Class Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)

What was with this car history VIN KNDJP3A54F7190834?

Seller description

CarMax values transparency and wants you to love your next car, not settle on it. Certain vehicles may have unrepaired safety recalls. Check nhtsa.gov/recalls to learn if this vehicle has an unrepaired safety recall. At CarMax, finding the right car is easy. You can shop online, get pre-qualified with no impact to your credit, and receive a trade-in offer all from the comfort of home. See carmax.com for details. Then, when it's time to buy, you can take advantage of express pickup at your local CarMax. And we stand behind every used car we sell with a 90-Day/4,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Limited Warranty. See store for details. Price excludes government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $85 CarMax document processing charge (not required by law), any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Price assumes that final purchase will be made in the State of CA, unless vehicle is non-transferable. Vehicle subject to prior sale. Applicable transfer fees are due in advance of vehicle delivery and are separate from sales transactions. Inventory shown here is updated every 24 hours.

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