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Used Cars for Sale at Gates Ford Lincoln in Richmond, KY

Only 174 miles away from you!

Gates Ford Lincoln of Richmond offers you the opportunity to find used cars by Gates Ford Lincoln. Gates Ford Lincoln is a trusted dealership serving clients throughout Richmond, in search of certified used cars. Also, Gates Ford Lincoln is a very reliable dealer recognized to offer you a huge selection of affordable, reliable used cars. You can filter the listings by used cars for sale by Gates Ford Lincoln to get the affordable car that is right for you.

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Gates Ford Lincoln




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1981 yr. - 2026 yr.


$0 - $484,137+


0 km - 934,222+ km

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Gates Ford Lincoln

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$38,790 above
$1,144/mo est. ?
79,508 km 3.6L

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$52,142 above
$1,538/mo est. ?
16,914 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$35,822 above
$1,056/mo est. ?
35,051 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$39,990 above
$1,179/mo est. ?
39,398 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$22,780 above
$672/mo est. ?
107,763 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$28,473 above
$840/mo est. ?
135,326 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$15,837 above
$467/mo est. ?
116,499 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$61,693 above
$1,819/mo est. ?
71,220 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$8,642 above
$255/mo est. ?
232,674 km 2.5L

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$40,842 above
$1,204/mo est. ?
56,232 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$46,990 above
$1,386/mo est. ?
49,890 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$49,777 above
$1,468/mo est. ?
108,988 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$13,583 above
$401/mo est. ?
150,940 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$32,896 above
$970/mo est. ?
52,091 km 2.3L

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$14,800 above
$436/mo est. ?
0 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$26,990 above
$796/mo est. ?
178,724 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$31,144 above
$918/mo est. ?
150,208 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$39,990 above
$1,179/mo est. ?
48,372 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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351,700 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$22,520 above
$664/mo est. ?
105,737 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$31,837 above
$939/mo est. ?
65,774 km 2.3L

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$27,835 above
$821/mo est. ?
69,198 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$41,990 above
$1,238/mo est. ?
97,656 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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$33,440 above
$986/mo est. ?
46,817 km

Gates Ford Lincoln

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

40475, Richmond KY

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What’s more, Gates Ford Lincoln of Richmond has been on the market for a very long time and remains the preferred dealership for buyers looking for used cars and trucks for sale. From low mileage used cars to cheapest used cars, there is something for you from Gates Ford Lincoln. Check out the listings today to find the right car for yourself. Gates Ford Lincoln is definitely the best place to buy used cars online.

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What’s more, Gates Ford Lincoln of Richmond has been on the market for a very long time and remains the preferred dealership for buyers looking for used cars and trucks for sale. From low mileage used cars to cheapest used cars, there is something for you from Gates Ford Lincoln. Check out the listings today to find the right car for yourself. Gates Ford Lincoln is definitely the best place to buy used cars online.