Used cars for sale in Springfield, MO

Are you considering buying used cars in Springfield MO? Then you have come to the right place.

5,439 found




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1981 yr. - 2026 yr.


$0 - $484,137+


0 km - 817,545+ km

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$67,888 above
$2,002/mo est. ?
4,487 km 6.2L

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$25,780 above
$760/mo est. ?
22,069 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$31,888 above
$940/mo est. ?
63,587 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$33,788 above
$996/mo est. ?
10,068 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$68,980 above
$2,034/mo est. ?
1,450 km 6.2L

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$19,490 above
$575/mo est. ?
55,527 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$13,495 above
$398/mo est. ?
96,396 km

DriveTime Springfield-Missouri

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$8,246 above
$243/mo est. ?
230,755 km

Reliable Imports

4.4Google555 reviews

65802, Springfield MO

Check Details
$13,650 above
$403/mo est. ?
144,879 km

Reliable Subaru

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65802, Springfield MO

Check Details
$10,995 above
$324/mo est. ?
231,410 km

Reliable Superstore

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65809, Springfield MO

Check Details
$20,495 above
$604/mo est. ?
86,663 km 1.5L

DriveTime of Springfield

Authorized EpicVIN dealer


Check Details
$12,950 above
$382/mo est. ?
311,710 km

Pinegar Honda

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$26,950 above
$795/mo est. ?
165,448 km

Pinegar Honda

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$24,950 above
$736/mo est. ?
164,499 km

Pinegar Honda

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$34,980 above
$1,032/mo est. ?
104,615 km

Pinegar Honda

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$25,950 above
$765/mo est. ?
115,312 km

Pinegar Honda

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$19,980 above
$589/mo est. ?
237,197 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$34,980 above
$1,032/mo est. ?
105,362 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$16,980 above
$501/mo est. ?
84,307 km

Marshfield Chevrolet

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65706, Marshfield MO

Check Details
$20,980 above
$619/mo est. ?
113,938 km

Pinegar Honda

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65807, Springfield MO

Check Details
$20,890 above
$616/mo est. ?
156,581 km

Corwin Ford Lincoln Republic

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65738, Republic MO

Check Details
$46,890 above
$1,383/mo est. ?
111,596 km

Corwin Ford Lincoln Republic

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65738, Republic MO

Check Details
$78,989 above
$2,329/mo est. ?
88,676 km 6.7L

Corwin Ford Lincoln Republic

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65738, Republic MO

Check Details
$38,590 above
$1,138/mo est. ?
54,740 km

Reliable Superstore

Authorized EpicVIN dealer

65809, Springfield MO

Check Details

There are many used cars for sale in Springfield mo, but you want to make sure that you buy certified used cars that are in great condition and will serve you for several years without causing you unnecessary headaches. You can find such quality used cars in Springfield mo under 5000 – you just have to look at the right places.

When considering buying a used car, one of the most important things is to determine the type of car you need. You can find used cheap cars in Springfield MO, and you can also find used luxury cars. Even if you are interested in classic used cars, you can find just about any model you need. You can find second hand American, Japanese, and even Chinese cars. You can also buy used hybrid cars in Springfield MO if that is what you want.

If you are considering buying a used car in Springfield MO, then budget is definitely a factor you must consider. Depending on your budget, there are used cars that will be suitable for you and others that may not be the right choices. You can find a second hand car for sale by the owner at a price that is very attractive. If you are looking for the cheapest used cars in Springfield MO, you should consider budget used cars for sale by dealers. Some crashed or wrecked cars may be available for auction.

You need to consider the most important rule in the second hand car market when you want to buy a used car in Springfield MO. This rule literally states that you should never buy a used car without knowing its history. The best way to know the history of a used car for sale is to get the VIN report. The used cars here have their EpicVIN reports available.

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